Digitzz-Every bit of digital world: August 2012

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27 August, 2012

How to improve battery life of your Android Smartphones

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Smartphones generally suffer from poor battery life, and Android smartphones are no exception. Fortunately, there are ways to improve battery performance that even the least tech-savvy smartphone owners can handle.

Here are some simple steps to reduce the amount of power you use and thus extend Android smartphone battery life. Keep in mind that it's still a good idea to charge your phone every night because continuously running the battery dry affects battery performance. But with these fixes you're much more likely to make it to the end of the day with power to spare. 

Know Your Usage Patterns: 
The most important thing to do is know how you use battery life. Every Android owner uses a smartphone differently . To see just how much juice goes to different tasks, look at the battery use statistics. Go to Settings (usually by pressing the Menu button) > About Phone > Battery > Battery Use. You'll see a breakdown of how much power the phone has used through calls, system events, having the display on. Knowing how this works can help users identify where they can cut back.

Manage Wireless Connections: 
One of the biggest drains on battery power is the various kinds of wireless connections. Leaving them on when unneeded reduces battery life dramatically. When you're not using Bluetooth, turn it off. When you're not near a Wi-Fi hot spot, turn the Wi-Fi off. The same goes for 4G antennas when not in a 4G area. When on and unused, these wireless antennas are constantly searching for a signal, which wastes a lot of power. Android phones have several ways to manage these connections, including widgets that reside on the home screen.

Another trick is to use Wi-Fi when available. Connecting to a Wi-Fi hot spot automatically turns off the cellular data connections, saving you additional power. Just remember to turn off the Wi-Fi when you leave the hot spot. Living in an area with spotty data connections can also use up power (searching for a signal), so use apps or built-in settings to turn off mobile data if you live in such an area.

The Cost of Location Services: 
Depending on the kinds of apps you use, location services may quite important to you. Regardless, they can be battery killers, especially GPS-enabled phones. Many phones use a rough triangulation system based on cellphone towers. This just uses the cellular antenna. But actual GPS services (which connect to global positioning satellites) use extra power. Turn location services off when you aren't using them.

Reduce Updates, Delete Data Hogs: 
Though you can't see it, many Android apps are busy in the background using the data connection. Push notifications (such as e-mail) are generally easy on the battery, but other services, such as Twitter and Facebook apps, are constantly connecting to company servers to check for updates. With these kinds of apps, you should delete them (if you aren't using them) or manually select how often they update. Many apps have manual settings that let you dictate how often each day (or even week) they can check for status updates.

Screen Management: 
The display is another common battery eater. Reduce the screen brightness to prolong the battery. More phones are coming with special home screen animations and "live wallpapers." Unfortunately, those animations are using up power and processor resources that can be used elsewhere.

There are also settings for how long the display sits idle before dimming and going to sleep. Set those times shorter to reduce the amount of energy the display uses.

Keep the Battery Cool: 
Letting the battery get hot reduces its performance. Don't leave your phone in a hot car or sitting in the sun.

There are other, more technical tricks that you can use to improve battery life if you are up to the challenge. Most of them involve downloading apps that manage data connections and automate settings to optimize power usage when the phone isn't in use. Keep in mind that different apps perform differently on various Android phones, so be sure to check for app reviews from people using the same phone model as you.

But special apps may not be necessary. With the settings tweaks mentioned above and a solid understanding of your own usage patterns, you'll already see a marked increase in battery performance.


26 August, 2012

Facebook unfriend finder-Know which friend has unfriended you

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Facebook never allowed any apps which will give you unhappy news from your friends. But yet you want to know that which friend has unfriended you and no more interested in you then you can find NOW.

Whenever your friend unfriends you from their friend list, it doesn't show any notification in your profile that you have been unfriended by someone.

So here is the trick. Let's find out HOW.

This trick works only with Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari, Greasemonkey.

Step 1: Go to www.socialfixer.com

Step 2: Click on any browser where you want it to install.

Step 3: Now login to you facebook account.

Step 4: In the right hand bar it will show a portion "Friend tracker". here you will find a name of friend who have unfriended you.

But sometimes it's best not to know.

23 August, 2012

How to make the best use of social media @ work

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Social Media-Digizz

Social media is a strange animal. Everybody we know is on it; everyone thinks everyone else except they waste a lot of time on it; and everyone has their own opinions as to how one should carry oneself out there. Some people want to be the ideal employee; others go to great lengths to hide their connections with their company. But all of us may agree on a couple of basic facts:

a) Social media is here to stay, and

b) We’re doing more harm than good, as individuals or as an organisation, if we ignore social media.

The question here, then, is how do we make good use of an opportunity? Let’s step back for a moment, shed the being employee skin from ourselves, and look at ourselves as people. Individuals with jobs, with families, with friends, classmates, and colleagues.

Human beings with our own emotions, ambitions, achievements and egos. With the same urge to communicate, the same urge to share, the same urge to learn – either as individuals or groups of people. All 2,50,000 (and counting) of us are part of the rest of the world, and we are beginning to live a substantial part of our lives online.

The trick is to balance this out—utilize it, yet not be consumed by it. It calls for some amount of discipline and thought, but generally, for the most part—it’s fun.
So, if you haven’t started your journey, what are you waiting for?
Let’s see what are the “social media essentials”?

a) A LinkedIn profile: As of last count, 1,33,000 of us are on LinkedIn.com. If you don’t have a LinkedIn profile, it may be good to build one, and this is usually a good starting point for your personal online presence. A few tips:

  • Be cognizant of the information you share as part of your profile. Avoid client names and details, and details of your project. Emphasize your expertise by citing your domain knowledge, skill sets, attributes and years, but refrain from anything that could divulge details of your clients or your projects.
  • Be factually correct and honest in your profile. Don’t add qualifications or experiences that you cannot quantify. Remember Scott Thompson, the ex-CEO of Yahoo? It’s tempting to write that fancy job title or fake a certificate or two, but remember, if you lose your integrity online, it’s pretty much irretrievable
  • Connect with other employees of your organisation you know on LinkedIn, and follow the company page, if any, to get updates about recent happenings.
  • Feel free to share news and knowledge links that are published on our company page, among your network.
  • Avoid using direct company name in your name and company logos or branding on your individual display picture (DP) or if you are running a group, ensure that you don’t use official branding things.
  • Besides news and updates from the company website, it may be a good idea to share links of professional and business interest on your LinkedIn profile.

b) A blog: Blogging is a bit like school—very easy to get into (your parents took all the trouble—you just had to go there!), but very tough to sustain and get out of. It takes a few minutes to set up your own blog, but it takes several hours a week to maintain it, keep it relevant, and build it. It’s not easy and isn’t for everyone.

But if you are an expert in your area, and have knowledge to share, it is one of the most fulfilling pursuits that you can do entirely online. A blog may not be related to your subject of professional expertise at all—you could well write a blog on your hobbies and interests. The important thing is to be passionate about it.

There are many free blogging platforms available— you could choose between WordPress, Blogger, Tumblr, Posterous and others. If you are blogging on areas closely related to organisations’ business interests, ensure that you disclose your organisation association, and have a suitable disclaimer.

Some pro-tips:

a. Prepare well – decide clearly what your subject would be, and more importantly, what you would not be writing about. Create a calendar, if possible. Analyze various blogging platforms—look at the themes available, try them out and chose what fits your subject. Study other bloggers and if possible, interact with them.

b. Research your topic well and be original in your content - particularly if you are blogging about areas of professional interest. It pays to say less and be original and interesting, rather than to say more and be meaningless.

c. Do not succumb to the SEO + adwords trap - there are quite a large number of bloggers who churn out garbage to ensure that their blogs are found by users who search for particular keywords and then gain income by adwords. This is called content farming. Your reputation erodes rapidly and you could even be blacklisted by search engines.

d. When you are talking of areas which are of professional interest, closely related to your work at your organisation, ensure that you do not reveal any confidential or business data related to the company or its clients.

e. Do not write disparagingly about our competitors. Try to be neutral, and subject-oriented.

f. Invest time in networking with bloggers of common interest. Comment on their blog posts, invite them to yours. Use a Twitter handle, a Facebook, LinkedIn or Google+ profile to communicate new updates to your social network.

g. Be conscious of copyright and IP related rules and guidelines. Always give a link and name your sources/ references.

h. Be patient. The benefits of blogging are best seen after years.

c) A Facebook profile: Most of us are already on Facebook. A lot of us use Facebook as one of the methods to keep in touch with classmates, family and friends, and sometimes our colleagues at work. Our activity there is usually leisurely—we post pictures, fun status updates, have conversations and comments on our friends’ activities, share links and more. It’s a great place to spend your free time. There are privacy concerns, but there are enough safeguards—you are only as safe or unsafe as the information you share online.

While having all this fun and a good time, a few basic tips in etiquette out there:

  • While posting pictures, ensure that you don’t tread on anyone else’s right to privacy. If you are taking a group picture or a party picture, it is best to k eep others informed that you’re likely to post these on Facebook. It’s a good habit, which keeps you out of trouble.
  • Ensure that you don’t post embarrassing pictures of others. While you may find some situations funny, others may not have your sense of humor.
  • Don’t post any copyright material anywhere online, and most definitely not on Facebook. What’s the fun in that? The real thrill is in being original and owning all the likes, oohs and aahs that you may get from your friends.

d) Twitter account: The social network that is often credited with enabling revolutions—the Arab Spring, for example—forcing governments to repeal laws—the SOPA and ACTA laws in the US—is however, used and populated by a fraction of the crowd that Facebook attracts. Twitter is also the favourite of many brands and organisations—the crisp 140 character format enables participants to spread messages effortlessly and helps in customer service management, broadcasting of messages and engaging with target audience.

It is also the network scientists delight in, as it often resembles real-life human web of information—it predicted the Haiti Cholera outbreak a few days before it actually happened. The nature of Twitter also allows it to be used as a barometer for public reaction to messaging, either by corporate, or by celebrities or governments.

Die-hard Twitter enthusiasts will swear by it—it’s a fun place to be and there’s rarely a dull moment. There’s a lot of randomness and serendipity since you are more likely to meet new friends on Twitter than on Facebook or even LinkedIn, where you connect with those you anyway know already.

If you are inclined to plunging in, do so. Some tricks to maximize the benefits
of Twitter:

  • Like it is expected in all human interaction, be polite, courteous and tolerant of others’ views and opinions.
  • Avoid badmouthing any person or organisation on Twitter, including your own, and also your competitors.
  • Seek out people with whom you have common interests, follow them, interact with them and be of mutual help. There are quite a lot of technical and domain-related experts you can find on Twitter. It’s one of the few places where you could talk to a head of state, a film celebrity, and a tech geek in practically the same minute.
  • If you are an expert in a particular domain, related to technology, business or just a hobby, Twitter is one of the best places to “be found”. Work out a plan, be consistent with your tweets, be interactive, learn the game—and substantially enhance your online profile.

Besides these “foundation” social media networks, there are quite a few others which may be less generic and more interest-oriented, such as Flickr, for photo-sharing, YouTube for videos, Quora, for a Q&A-based networking. There’s also Google+, which has shown a growth spurt in the recent months. It seems to be a fairly hot space for the tech blogger and the tech journalist.

There’s a world out there, waiting to
be explored. Go on, live, and love your online life.

21 August, 2012

Check whether the website is infected with any type of unwanted things or not

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Digitzz-Safe Browsing

If you want to check that the website you are going to surf is safe for browsing or not, then go to this website http://www.unmaskparasites.com/

then type website name and it will show all the statistics.

so have a happy and safe browsing...

Pl comment

Find who stole your website content without your permission

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If you want to know where your website content copied without your knowledge then this site surly help you out.

Go to http://www.copyscape.com/  and put the URL of page where your original content is written. 

if your content being copied then it will show the amount of text which have been copied and link of that page or website.

Go and check who is involve in copyrights infringement.

Pl comment.

20 August, 2012

Real time content editing with multiple user at sametime

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Sync.in is a free real time word processor, where multiple user can edit a document simultaneously. Changes made reflects instantly.

If you want to invite other people to edit the document same time then just click the Share button or invite. A secured link will be provided to you to share with people. You can mail it or share it on social media.

You can also chat with the people you invited.

You can save document changes as revision and restore it any time.

If you want to export it you may export it as HTML, Plain Text and Bookmark.

With the time slider you can also see the progress of editing at different time.

What you think, Pl give you comment after using it.

19 August, 2012

Live Train Platform Enquiry and Current Reservation Status for all Delhi Stations

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Live train platform enquiry Delhi

If you are going for a train journey then surely after reaching at station entrance you will look for the platform number at notice board for your train which is coming or going to depart from. What if you already know before reaching station that at so and so platform your train will come. i can see smile on your face.

Train running information live !

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Simran.in Real time train running info

[WEBSITE DISCONTINUED] by concerned authority.

Some days ago i found a very useful site name www.simran.in

Hey ! its not a name of a beautiful lady who is running her website.

It is very useful site which provide real time train running info of selected Indian trains.

Presently this service is available on Pilot/Trial Basis for selected trains(12001, 12002, 12003, 12004, 12005, 12006, 12011, 12012, 12013, 12014, 12017, 12018, 12033, 12034, 12235, 12236, 12423, 12424, 12435, 12436, 22423, 22424, 12301, 12302, 12305, 12306, 12313, 12314, 12431, 12432, 12951, 12952, 12953, 12954, 12259, 12260) only.

> Its shows following stats:
  • Train Number
  • Train Name + [ Train start date ]
  • Next Stop + [ Kms. to run to reach this stop ]
  • Train Status: RD:Route Diversion | RT:Right Time | DR:Destination Reached | DT:Departure Time | LT:Late Time
  • Nearest Station + [ S: Standing at station | R:Reached station | A:Approaching station ]
  • Speed: Live speed of train in kmph
> Besides these if you will click on train no. then it will show to you list of all the stations which will come across during the whole journey with additional details of Cumulative distance(km), Distance(km), Station code, Station name, Arrival Time, Departure time, Passing time and days. Time is mentioned in 24 hours format like 1655 for 04:55 PM.

> More over if you will click on train then it will show you particular coach number and position from engine.It also show picture of the same arrangement.

> if you will click on next stop then it will show map of stoppage and current stop of train.

>You can get the information on your mobile phone also, Just SMS train number to 09415139139.

> This site is also available in 10 Indian languages like Hindi, Punjabi, Tamil etc.

> This site auto refresh every 01 min so you get real time information.

This site is part of Indian railways RTIS (Real time information system) jointly developed by IIT Kanpur and Indian Railways.

So go to www.simran.in and get the real time information.

15 August, 2012

Now its Sahara India foraying into Consumer Merchandise Retail Venture - Sahara Q Shop

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Now its Sahara India foraying into Consumer Merchandise Retail Venture. Sahara India Pariwar is, for the first time, offering through Q Shop completely adulteration-free 100% Quality Consumer Merchandise products to the country. You can receive from us all types of 100% quality household items every month in the comfort of your home. This means unadulterated, pure and defect-free items will be delivered from the source to your home. With this mission, to curb the menace of prevalent adulteration practices in the market, Sahara Q Shop is committed to the guarantee of good health for you and your family. Sahara Q Shop will revolutionize the concept of easy and hassle free shopping.

It is Sahara’s challenge that not even a single item will be adulterated. The best part is that all household items will be available at fair market price (sometimes even for less). In addition, you will receive 100% quality items right at your doorstep. There probably cannot be more honesty in business.

Our Quality Consumer Merchandise Retail is entering the market to destroy the devil of adulteration and also making the revolutionary idea of easy and hassle-free shopping a reality.

We are offering our esteemed customers

• Completely unadulterated best quality 
• 100% right weight/quantity
• Fair price 
• Delivery at the homes of our esteemed customers

Sahara Q Shop will be setting up in different phase across country.

Quality at Sahara Q Shop
‘Q Shop’ laboratories are situated in Delhi, Mumbai, Lucknow, Nagpur, Hyderabad, Kolkata and Patna.
An All-India Quality team of 800 people, comprising of 50 Scientist Associates, 250 Senior Quality Assurance Advisors and 500 Associate Quality Assurance Executives, is working diligently to provide you unadulterated 100% quality items. Our officers are appointed at factories, fields, etc, i.e., at all the sources for intensive quality control and vigilance.

Let’s move ahead, let’s take a big leap of the Best Quality in life together with Q-shop.

Visit site @ http://saharaqshop.com/Default.aspx

There are lots of jobs in different verticals of Sahara Retails Q Shops. for more info go to below link.


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13 August, 2012

Now access facebook on any mobile by dialing *325# or *fbk#. No need of internet, GPRS, 3G, WiFi

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Now access facebook on any mobile by dialing *325# or *fbk#. No need of internet, GPRS, 3G, WiFi.

In todays world facebook become an integral part of social life of you. You spend long time on facebook doing status updates, comments, Wall post. 

Now all these things you can do without the internet, GPRS, 3G, WiFi connection via USSD (Unstructured Supplementary Services Data) code technology on any Mobile. 

All you need is 

1. Mobile Handset 
2. Active SIM 

Dial *325# or *fbk# from any mobile and you will get an Welcome message.

First Regsiter yourself by giving your email id (e.g. xyz at gmail.com)
Then put in your password.
Choose option according to your requirement.

Thansk !

Unlock your car remotely from your mobile phone

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Unlock your car remotely from your mobile phone. 

It's very useful when by mistake your car keys are locked inside the cars. 

This only applies if your car keys having remote control to lock/unlock the car and spare remote is present at your home. 


Suppose you left your car keys inside the cars. 

Then you recalled that one spare key with remote is also present at home. 

Make a call to your relative present at home and tell them to keep call active. 

Tell them to hold the duplicate key near your cell phone. 

Hold your cell phone about a foot from your car door 

Tell that person to press the remote unlock button holding remote near cell phone. 

Your car will unlock.

12 August, 2012

Book train ticket on IRCTC website in lessor time

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Book train ticket on IRCTC website in lessor time

When IRCTC website opens Tatkal reservation at 10:00 AM in the morning, you stick to your computer to get a tickets. There are limited number of seats reserved for Tatkal quota and fills seats on first come first served basis.

Most of the time it happens that  the seats are often gone by the time you fill this passenger details form.

if you can fill the passenger details in lessor time then your chances of getting ticket will be higher.

Think what if only one click can fill your passenger details automatically.

Now you are thinking HOW it's possible?

When i was searching some web utility on different topic i found a very useful tool for train ticket reservation on IRCTC website.

This is called Magic Autofill- its a replica of passenger detail form on IRCTC.

How to use

Step 1:
When you want to reserve the tickets, just fill your passenger details in this form. 
Step 2:
After filling your details click the button "I'm feeling lucky" then it will generate a button called " Magic Autofill ".
Step 3:
Just drag and add that "Magic Autofill " button to your bookmark toolbar. 
Now you details are saved in this form in offline mode.

Step 4:

Go to IRCTC, when you reach to the passenger details form, just click that  Magic Autofill bookmark you saved earlier and with the blink of eye your details are filled in the IRCTC form automatically.


Source: labnol.org

11 August, 2012

Make game in excel 2007

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Hmm ! so you wanna make game in excel 2007. i made a game in excel. The game called "Tic Tac Toe".

Here is the link for Game. Download the file from here.

If you need password then pl leave your comment with your email id i will send you the password.

Free website submission to Google, Bing and other search engines

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How to add URL to Google, MSN and Other search engines

Ok ! You have your website and now you want your website to be included in the search engines and crawlers list. 

Its not as easy to get your website name in the first page of search result page. you have to do many things.

Either you go for paid advertising or free. i think free is better.

There are lots of free websites which provide free facility to include your website details in their search result.

Some of them listed below.

1. Google https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/submit-url

2. Microsoft(Bing) http://www.bing.com/webmaster/SubmitSitePage.aspx

3. Addme http://www.addme.com/

4. Web Launch http://www.nexcomp.com/weblaunch/submiturlfree.html

5. Submitt Express http://www.submitexpress.com/free-submission.html

6. Free web submission http://freewebsubmission.com/

Make online money from Facebook and Twitter account

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Earn Money from Facebook and Twitter account

"Make Money Online With Facebook" sounds funny but its true. Now you can make some money from your twitter and Facebook account. 

When i was searching some ideas for online money making, i gone through FanSlave. With the help of this site  Facebook users can make out some money from their own Facebook Account. you need to just click on "Like" button of Fanslave's created pages on Facebook and they will credit your account with points (cash is the half of your credits points) for that, Isn't it nice?

Just follow the steps Given Below :

  •  Register at FanSlave and connect your Facebook and Twitter Account with it.
  •  You  will see list of pages with amount of credit points, Start to "Like" the fanpages and follow on Twitter.
  •  You will get credits accordingly (cash is the half of your credits)
  •  When you will 15.00 EUR, you can apply for payment via paypal or alertpay.

Note : It will take much time to earn money by just liking the fan pages, You need to refer friends with your own special referral link given and you can see the flow of money in your account. But you need to refer real and long lasting friends, and don't try to cheat them.

So Sign up NOW...

Free online tools and utilities available on internet

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a.     Calculator
i.    EMI calculator http://emicalculator.net/
ii.    Loan Affordability Calculator http://emicalculator.net/loan-affordability-calculator
iii.    Retirement calculator http://retirementcalculator.net/
iv.    Retirement income calculator http://retirementcalculator.net/retirement-income-calculator/
v.    Scientific calculator http://web2.0calc.com/

b.    Currency exchange rate

i.    http://www.x-rates.com/
ii.    www.xe.com

c.     Unit conversions http://www.unitconversion.org/

d.    Online conversion http://www.online-convert.com/

e.     Free Full featured photo editing tool http://www.sumopaint.com/start/  

f.     Text2image – Create image from your desired text http://www.text-image.com/convert/

g.    Create funky images http://www.interactimage.com/

10 August, 2012

Translate anything with Google text-to-speech service

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Translation: just change the URL to whatever you want it to say and you’ll get back a MP3 file.

Example: copy the URL 


Just change I Love Digitzz with your word.

A World Class Tech Enabled Highway for Indian Commuters - Yamuna Expressway

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On Thursday, yet another milestone being achieved when a much ambitious multi crore project "Yamuna expressway" formally opened to traffic, reducing travel time almost half between Delhi and Agra. 

Formally called Taj expressway, is a 165 Km, 6-lane (Expandable upto 8 lane) connecting Greater Noida and Agra formally inaugurated by U.P. Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav on Thursday. 

A Toll-free ride is given to commuters till August 15. 

Fact About Yamuna Expressway 

  • Owner: JAYPEE Group
  • India's Longest elevated highway
  • A Rs. 13,3000 crore project
  • Length - 165 km
  • Right of Way - 100 mt.
  • Number of Lane - 6 Lanes (extendable to 8 lanes)
  • Type of Pavement - Rigid (Concrete)
  • Interchange - 7
  • Main Toll Plaza - 5
  • Toll Plaza on Interchange Loop - 7
  • Underpass - 35
  • Rail Over Bridge - 1
  • Major Bridge - 1
  • Minor Bridge - 42
  • Cart Track Crossing - 68
  • Culverts - 183
  • Vehicular Underpasses - 70
  • SOS booths all Along
  • Toll free helpline
  • CCTV at every 5 Km for safety and accident assistance.
  • Mobile radars to monitor compliance with minimum and maximum speed limits
  • 1 highway patrol every 25 km
  • Rest room after every toll plaza


Toll will be charged at three points - at 38 km, 95 km and 150 km from Greater Noida. 

Cars and jeeps will be charged Rs 2.10/km. 
Mini-buses Rs 3.23/km 
Buses and Trucks will pay Rs. 6.60/km. 
Charges for heavy vehicles will be Rs. 10.10/km. 

A summary table of toll rates is as below: 

All figures in Rs. 

Round trip charges are 1.6 time of one way toll within 24 hours. 
Special discounts for vehicles using the expressway more than 19 times in a month. 

Source: All Newspapers 
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