Create your own file hosting server for free where you can host your own file to use it later. It is very useful when you face problem when you were using some external file located on other server and after sometime that file is no longer available to use. In that case you can upload it to you own hosting server and use it. You are not required to pay a single penny like other paid sites.
Here you can upload any type of file (PDF, EXE, JPEG, JS, HTML, CSS, MUSIC etc. etc.). If you feel any problem to upload then try in zip format.
Its free, secure and reliable. You can set access permission also for files. So lets learn how to use it.
Steps to follow
Step # 1: Login at with you Google account.
Step # 3: Choose template and give site name. It will check for availability of name. After that choose theme and put captcha and hit create. After that you will see your dashboard like this.
Click on more --> Manage site or press "G" then "M". You will reach on site setting page.
Step # 4: Click on page template then select all 04 check boxes. Now click on show.
Step # 5: Click on "+" sign as shown below to add new page.
Step # 7: Now click on "Add files" button to add file.
Step # 8: You can upload any type of files. If it shows error message for any file then zip that file then upload.
Step # 9: Now your file is uploaded and ready to download.
Powered by Ravindra Gupta
Visit Author on Google+
Here you can upload any type of file (PDF, EXE, JPEG, JS, HTML, CSS, MUSIC etc. etc.). If you feel any problem to upload then try in zip format.
Its free, secure and reliable. You can set access permission also for files. So lets learn how to use it.
Steps to follow
Step # 1: Login at with you Google account.
Step # 2: Click on create site.
Step # 3: Choose template and give site name. It will check for availability of name. After that choose theme and put captcha and hit create. After that you will see your dashboard like this.
Click on more --> Manage site or press "G" then "M". You will reach on site setting page.
Step # 6: Type name for your page then click template and choose "file cabinet". Hit Create to create the page.
Step # 7: Now click on "Add files" button to add file.
Step # 8: You can upload any type of files. If it shows error message for any file then zip that file then upload.
Step # 9: Now your file is uploaded and ready to download.
Powered by Ravindra Gupta
Visit Author on Google+
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